Tag Archives: carl daikeler

Always Look At The Plyocide Of Life

Day two of the second phase of the X2 journey. It’s more of the plyometric style of workout. I got much further through it as I was going this time. Keeping up with the peeps like Roberto, Traci, and Tony. Still having to pause once in a while, but I’m nearly on par with them now. Kinda makes me think it’s good to always look at the plyocide of life.

The fact that I’m pushing a little harder makes me feel good about it. But it was a little slow getting started today. Mostly due to the upper body workout from yesterday. Whew. I’m feeling Chest Back and Balance today. My oh my.

Onward and forward. I need to get my breakfast gig on. I think I’m going to be making some egg cups this morning. Power breakfast. Then it’s on to the ski hill for some X2 Skiing. Two workouts in a day.

Come on and join the journey! Then you’ll always look at the plyocide of life and get a kick out of it.

X2 Yoga Bear

Ah. Day two of the recovery week. I’m feeling like a yogi. Or maybe an X2 yoga bear. It’s all good. Though I’m wondering if I ought to cut the week short and jump into phase two.

Maybe I’m just antsy to move into working out. Not that yoga isn’t a bit of work. It is. But a week of it might be a bit much of it for me. Jury is still out on that.

Meantime I need to think about replenishing my shakeology reserves. Love that stuff.

Recovery Week Begins

The in-between week has begun. In other words, recovery week begins.

Today was another day of Recover + Mobility. The great thing about this portion of the program is how it releases the tension you don’t actively see. I got into a couple of positions that I finally let out an “oh”.

Tony Horton speaks about those moments. For most of my body, I don’t have a lot of knots. I’m pretty stress free. But on my left inner thigh today… Wow. I got one. Good thing for the foam roller. I believe I got it out.

The rest of the week is a switch of days between the foam rolling and stretching and Yoga. So it’s not entirely without a workout.

I’m looking forward to phase two even as recovery week begins.

Phase One Ends With Recovery And Mobility

Today is the end of week 3. That’s right I’ve now been on this journey for a full three weeks (plus a couple of days for skiing, but who’s counting right?) Anyway, I’m happy that phase one ends with recovery and mobility. It’s a great thing to stretch, roll out and give the body a little bit of a break.

I’m looking forward to the “week off” or rather what I’d call the transition week before I hit phase two of the P90X2 tour.

How’s your workout life coming? Are you hitting goals? Do tell.

Have You Got Balance And Power

Today marks the end of the 3rd week in my journey. At least the third week of the phase. Tomorrow is a stretching and mobility day. Then next week is the cool down week before phase two. I’ve done it and now I’m asking have you got balance and power?

I can really feel a difference in the workout. The sphinx moves are not necessarily easier, but I can do more of them. To me that’s a huge improvement. It tells me I’m getting a further increase in strength.

There was only one move where I lost a little ground, but I have to believe it has to do with how much harder I was pushing myself in all the other areas. And even then it was only on one half of it. The plyo burpee move 2nd to last from the end (and that’s even in the “bonus” section).

I’m really looking forward to the next phase to see what’s in store for the strengthening of the body. For if I’m feeling this much better now, I can only imagine what the weight and sweat of the next round will provide.

If you haven’t started the P90X2 journey yet? Why not? Once you start, you can ask someone else “Have you got balance and power?”

X2 Yoga Mah Brutha

Week three of the journey is coming to an end. Two more days then it’s a “recovery” week. Today it was X2 yoga mah brutha. A little play on a Tonyism from P90X.

What did I notice today? Some of my stretches, or as yoga peeps would say – poses, are getting a bit farther and stronger. I did have a couple of toe taps in the twisting half moon poses. Though I have to think this only due to the length of time Tony has us holding those moves.

I’m getting better with the “belly” moves now too. My core must be getting a whole lot stronger and that’s a plus.

Looking forward to tomorrow’s workout to end the week.

Where are you at with your X2 journey? Are you enjoying the X2 yoga mah brutha?

X2 Total Body Plus Ab Ripper Week 3

X it, x it, x it, but not exit. Nope, it’s midway through week 3 of the X2 journey. Today marked the 3rd time through the X2 Total Body plus Ab Ripper workout. This time around I increased the weight in all the weighted exercises.

Overall it was an improvement. There was only one move where I did not match last week’s numbers. The Crunch Lever Pull-up thing. I was 1 less in both rounds on that one. Otherwise all other numbers increased and the weight was upped as well.

The bonus is, I’m feeling stronger and my balance is getting even better. I also notice that I’m standing taller. I never noticed it before though others have said it. Now I’m noticing it. Very strange.

The other night I got to see Stars On Ice. During intermission I decided to go get a snack. Being that I had on the ice seats, I wanted to sprint the stairs up the arena to the snack area. Easily done, not winded. Awesome.

The Ab Ripper part is still a little tough, new moves that are a tad harder. Otherwise, I can tell there’s an increase in core strength too.

Off to have an awesome breakfast and nourish the body. How did your X2 Total Body plus Ab Ripper week 3 go? Are you there yet? Have you been there?

Plyocide Or Plyo Life

Plyocide or Plyo Life inside of week 3 in the X2 journey. That’s where today is. Mostly due to the fact that I added an X2 day of skiing yesterday. I know X2 Skiing isn’t in the program, but with the way I ski, it ought to be. The beauty is, I’m skiing harder than I have in a few years. I’m pushing faster and harder turns than I can remember. It’s a beautiful thing.

I had a mogul run yesterday that reminded me of my competitive days. Difference is, I was pounding rather than riding. Made me miss the glory of competition. Especially with how today’s competitors have nice straight lines to turn through and pre-built jumps. Doesn’t get much easier than that.

With Plyocide today, I found myself hitting the pause button a little more often than last week. Not because I wasn’t able to keep up. No, this time I was hitting pause because I was pushing it harder and harder. Meaning I was keeping up, and extending myself. The extra pauses were to keep myself in check and forego the possibility of what happened in week one.

I’m really getting into now. Thanks Tony.

Time to go get my organic breakfast on. Then finish up a new song or two. What will you do?