Category Archives: Total Synergistics

Back in the P90X3 Saddle

I’m back in the P90X3 saddle. As a person who has probably stumbled on this blog by accident, you would have no idea that I’ve neglected to keep blogging on my workout regimens. Mostly due to a dropping out of the Beachbody Coaching thing. I didn’t feel like I was meant to be a coach.

I Quit Not Exactly

That being typed, it doesn’t mean I stopped doing the workouts that I’ve already collected. Much to the contrary. I’ve been doing them nearly non-stop.

For the past two years thru the winter I actually switched from doing daily workouts to putting in more days of skiing instead. A much more cardio intense workout, especially when you’re pushing for getting in laps and skiing hard.

After the ski season ended this year, I took two weeks off to let my body get some much needed rest. Then last week I fired up a new 90 day run of P90X3. There’s not much to recap from last week.

New 90 Days

Today is the starting mark of my 2nd week in on doing P90X3 Mass.

The workout on the books was Total Synergistics. One thing I’ve picked up on doing this time around is to use an assisted means of doing more reps with pull-ups and chin-ups. If there’s one aspect to my lanky frame that sucks, its pull-ups. I really think that the down fall of being tall is pull-ups. Maybe there are other tall guys that can do pull-ups with ease, I’m not one of them.

Usually I can knock out about 5 pull-ups before I start seeing a serious downgrade in how far I can get my head above the bar. Instead of crapping out at 5, I’ve decided that I’d add a means to do more reps, even if I have to get a little help. The LTG is to be able to eventually get to 10 or more reps without assistance. Because doing 5 unassisted isn’t getting me further down the road.

Overall the workout went extremely well today, considering the fact that I’ve been under the weather with a sore throat and coughing up bright green gunk from my lungs. TMI?

Morning Meal

After topping off with another full glass of water post workout, I whipped up a breakfast of organic waffles. I grind my own organic wheat berries as needed for a meal. Fresh flour. Along with fresh eggs, a side of bacon (no nitrates, nitrites). Plus some fresh juiced Apple Juice. I’m ready to kick out my day and get to some music making.

What was your routine today?