Category Archives: P90X2

Total Body Increased And Abs Are Rippered

I wanted to get into the foam rolling yesterday but factors beyond my control ended up making it a day of rest instead. Today on the other hand my Total Body increased and Abs are Rippered. Pushing, pushing, pushing.

I started out increasing weight in several of the moves. In an effort to keep the workout moving I ended up increasing weight in a couple of moves that I should have reduced. Instead I did a few less reps.

In the second round of the workout I ended up dropping the weight as I was running out of a little steam and getting a bit knackered. Despite that I got another personal best in pullups in the first round. I beat last week by one extra pullup. Whew.

I had to pull back on the tail end of the workout as I was running low on a energy, but I still kept the pace from last week. So if I can match the beginning of this week and hold it until the end of next week I can really feel like I’m pushing through.

For some reason this week ab ripper really snuck up on me. I still managed to get through it, but by the end I was diggin deep to complete it. I guess that’s not a bad thing. Maybe I haven’t been pushing hard enough in the past. Leaving me with low gas in the tank it’s time to go make a Shakeology and hearty breakfast. For today my Total Body increased and Abs are Rippered.

Get ready for the next fitness challenge! Join me in bettering your health.

Plyocide Has Been Plyo-Flied

Mmmm… Jumping around and around and around. Another day where I didn’t get my workout in early. This time due to waking up late for a meeting. The trials and tribulations of a musician, right? Late night, not good sleep = sleeping in to make sure I get rested. Oops. Good thing it wasn’t a money meeting. No, it was an organizational meeting for a music festival (that’s all I’m gonna say about it). Doesn’t matter, Plyocide has been Plyo-flied.

I flew threw it today. I sweated more too. I’m still pushing harder. Less pausing of the disc to catch my breath in between the moves is a good thing. The one move I’m still not real keen on is the Frog Burpee Jump. I did get them all in, but I’m not fond of that one. I used to dislike the Mary Katherines with a med ball, but I’m fine with that now.

Drip drip drip. That was me at the end of it all. A few minutes to shower and rest and its back on with the day. More music to make. Then time to blow a little steam off. The best part is, I’m still feeling the energy now that Plyocide has been Plyo-flied.

Get fit with me. Starting in a couple of weeks is the next fitness challenge. You know you want to join!

X2 Core Continues

Week two inside of journey two of P90X2. All sorts of twos there. Inside today is how X2 Core continues the saga of working out beachbody style.

Normally I do my workouts in the morning. Not this time around. I had a very late night working on a piece of music, looking to get a gig for a commercial. Thus I woke up late despite having a recording session this morning. Fortunately a meeting that was scheduled for this afternoon got pushed to tomorrow so I was able to get my workout in this afternoon.

For the most part I got more reps than last week. There were a couple where I did not. Mostly because last week there was a power outage before the last several moves. One of them involves a med ball with a burpee style move and a push up. Not very effective for me. I fought through that and got about half the number of reps with not so great form.

The rest of the workout went well. I pushed myself harder. I did have to pause a couple of times to catch my breath, but I’m feeling good. Time for a Shakeology and start to think about what to make for dinner.

There is a new fitness challenge coming at the beginning of June. Will you be joining me? It’s a great way to get in shape and feel better. Then at some point you’ll be saying how X2 Core continues for you!

Balance & Power Closing Week One

Pow! What a week. Today marks the start of my second journey through the P90X2 workout. I have Balance & Power closing week one. Improvements abound.

Comparing to the final parts of phase one of my first time through to now with my return I’m already blowing myself out of the water. In all the moves that are utilizing weight. Upped by 5 lbs per move is a pretty good increase.

There are moves where I’m going to have to play catch up though. Those are the moves the involve the stability ball. Why? Well, I was modifying in my first journey. The moves the first time around were easy when modified. Now with the stability ball, oh my. Hard. Reps went down and my core was engaged even more. Makes me think that had I had the stability ball the first time around, my belly might be flat already.

Even in the bonus round I increased weight. That’s a huge plus to get there. But then I’m already in pretty good shape from doing beachbody workouts in the year that’s gone by. I’m happy that Balance & Power closing week one has come. I can now take a day to rest and stretch and get ready for next week.

New fitness challenge coming June 4th – are you in?

Feeling The Total Body And Abs

I really enjoyed getting my stretch and foam rolling on yesterday. By yesterday afternoon I was actually feeling the remnants of the plyocide workout in my hamstrings. Wow. It’s so odd to have a workout catch up to you a day later. Today I was getting into feeling the total body and abs workout.

I pushed it pretty hard in the first half. I was feeling really good. Did the most unassisted pullups I’ve ever done, that was a great sensation. The hardest thing this time around was the boing pushups. My first time through P90X2 90 days ago, I did not have a large stability ball. Thus I was doing a modified version then. These were hard. Such that my reps were very low. The bonus of that is, the only way to go from here is up.

A weight increase also happened for a lot of the moves. Despite the weight increase I was also doing more reps in most moves. Which means that next week, I’ll likely increase the weight a bit more.

Ab ripper X2. Need I say more? Seems my core or rather my abs have missed this workout. I kept up with most of it, but there were some moves where I had to let go a little early. I think by next week, I’ll be back in full swing on the abs.

I wonder if I’ll be feeling the total body and abs workout tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Who knows. I’m sure it will be a wild ride either way. Looking forward to that goal of a perfect flat belly with no fat on it. So close. So close. Time for some Shakeology, Yum.

Recovery And Mobility And Foam Rolling

My oh my. I can’t believe how tight I got in the two weeks I took off from working out. It’s kinda bizarre. The good thing is, I have recovery and mobility and foam rolling to get me back into a state of being more flexible.

Normally I’m very flexible. Yet, maybe I’m comparing my “new” tightness to my more recently more flexible self. I was so close to palming the floor at the end of my first journey through P90X2. Today I was back to only getting to my fingers slightly down on the floor. Bummer.

I believe within a week or two though, I’ll be back and also be able to reach a goal of being able to palm the floor in a forward bend. Not and easy task for a tall guy like me. It will happen. I know it.

Things that were noticeably tight in foam rolling today: My right calf, my left shin, my right bicep, my left forearm, my right IT band, my left inner thigh. Very odd that it was like opposites. After the foam rolling though, I’m feeling loser and that’s a good thing. That’s why I’m happy to have recovery and mobility and foam rolling inside the P90X2 journey.

Living The Plyocide Of Plyolife

Ah, how I missed the idea of jumping around for a workout. Ok, maybe I’m lying a little bit. Today is the return to one of the hard workouts for me. Bring on the sweat cause I’m living the plyocide of plyolife.

Happiness is that I did not bonk in this workout. Doesn’t mean plyocide has gotten easier. No. Actually I pushed myself harder to keep up on all the moves. About halfway through I needed to start pausing in-between moves due to the fact that I started getting winded. I attribute that to pushing myself on each move to go above and beyond.

I want to see what kind of things will change in this 2nd journey through the P90X2 system if I go a little more extreme on the moves. Keeping up is no longer the goal, the goal is to go beyond.

This is my 4th time through a beachbody workout regimen. No longer about being in shape. It’s becoming a complete change in how I’m living. The original goal of getting in shape and working for looking good naked – along with a flat belly is within reach. I imagine that I’ll have the flat belly in less than 90 days from now. I can’t wait. It’s a wonderful feeling. That’s the drive.

Once I can push Plyocide to the extreme and not pause the DVD, I’ll be a really happy camper. Until that happens, I’m happy to be living the plyocide of plyolife.

Getting Back Into The P90X2 Saddle

It really isn’t that long of a stretch of time when I finished P90X2 about two and a half weeks ago. In a way it feels like an eternity. In another way, it doesn’t. Initially I felt unmotivated on a lot of things knowing I was fully completed. However, that little break has ended. Today marks the return. I’m getting back into the P90X2 saddle today.

Not sure what it is about starting something new, but there’s always a kink or two to work out. This morning was no exception. I got started with the warmup and was getting familiar with the first phase moves in X2 Core again. I got about 90% of the way into the workout when all of a sudden, the power went off.

Apparently in another area of town there was a car accident that killed power to where I’m at. Thus I ended up not completing a couple of the moves. Bummer. Despite that, it was still a good start. I did better in most of the moves. Except for Plank Stability Ball Pushup, or at least I think that’s the name. See last time through I didn’t have a big stability ball, so I did the modifications which were easy. This time around I have a big stability ball to use and found that I could only manage three reps of the move. Yikes! Hard!

I finished early by no fault of mine. Did so with a grand sweat going. I feel good. I’m ready to tackle tomorrow and move on. Where are you at with your workouts? Are you ready to be getting back into the P90X2 saddle? Are you interested in changing your life? Next Fitness Challenge group starts in two weeks and I have a couple of spots left – join us!

Two Weeks Of Rest

It’s a little weird this morning to not get up and immediately be thinking, time to workout. I know my body needs a little time off and thus I’m taking two weeks of rest. I’m starting back up on the May 14th.

I’m gathering people who are interested in doing a 90 day fitness challenge. Nothing helps you more than having a little core group of people where you can share your experience, be held responsible for letting people know you worked out and have support when you’re in need of answers.

May 14th is the start of my next fitness challenge. Join me and a select group of people to get into better shape, lose weight, and have a great time! Contact me to join up asap.

PAP Upper Ends The First Journey

Oh oh oh it’s magic. To steal a line from an old hit, I’m feeling pretty good. Another chapter of accomplishing something is coming to a close. I’m happy to say, or rather write, that with today, PAP Upper ends the first journey through P90X2.

I started off really strong, made it through the first round of the first complex kickin ass. The rest of the first complex had me backing off on reps with Renegade Row and the Plank Med Ball moves. Those in combination are the hardest thing I’ve encountered in the entire Beachbody workouts I’ve done.

In the second complex I was able to keep up with everything but the max pull-ups. I’ve never been good at pull-ups. Technically when I started all this a year ago with P90X, I probably could do 1 full pull-up. I did a lot of the pull-up modifications. In X2 I felt I was hindering my ability to do more pull-ups with the modifications so I stopped and pushed – actually pulled – myself to do them as they should be. Now at the end of X2 I can roughly 7 pull-ups in a round. That’s a big improvement for a tall guy.

Overall I’m ready for a short break before I start up my next fitness challenge. I’d like to encourage you to join me. You’ll be happy you did. I’ll push you, you can push me. Seriously join me for a May 14th start date on the next Fitness Challenge I’ve got coming up. Join NRG!

I want to take a moment and look back on the journey and the previous year. Here’s what I’ve got…

Some stats in P90X2:

Beginning stats on 01/31/12:

Chest:        39.5”
Arm:    11 1/8”
Arm:    11 1/2”
Waist:        34 3/4”
Hips:        37”
R. Thigh:    21 1/4”
Thigh:    21 1/4”

Total Inches:    176.125”
Weight:     172

After stats on 04/26/12:

Chest:        39 7/8”
Arm:    11 3/8”
Arm:    11 3/4”
Waist:        34 1/4”
Hips:        37 1/8”
R. Thigh:    21 3/8”
Thigh:    21 3/8”

Total Inches:    179.125”
Weight:     174

I wish I had stats from a year ago when I started doing the P90X workouts. Alas, I don’t. Only the pictures. Yet if you look at the numbers with the last 90 days, there’s an overall 3 inch increase in size. That’s fairly impressive. Weight wise I’m still a bit shy of the 182 lbs that I’d like to be. I attribute that to exercise, I eat well and I cook a lot.

With that in mind, I did say that I would post a before and after pic. Mind you, I’m not that vain with taking tons of pictures. However, with X2, I did take more. Personally I know there’s been change. Yet for some reason, the pics don’t seem to show as much as I would think they would.

Be aware that I posted the after pic on the left and the before on the right. Other things to note, I was 195 lbs in the pic on the right. I’m 174 in the pic on the left. I’ve lost just over 20 lbs in the year. Actually lost more and started gaining some back. In doing some research about my body size, I’m actually pretty darn close to the weight I should be for my bone size and my height – slightly under.

My overall goals with getting into better shape and flattening the little bubble belly you can see in right side, have been achieved. This is a major goal that I wanted. I was always active and thought I was in good shape. Now I know I’m in good shape.

I have to thank my friends that I knew were doing P90X. Especially Thai Ly. It wasn’t until I saw his transformation that I really decided to give it a go. I’m really happy I did. While my transformation isn’t as eye popping, it’s still there. I enjoyed it so much I became a coach. I really want to help others meet their fitness goals, eat better and be healthier too.

Thanks to my exploration of cooking for better eating. Friends have told me I inspire them to eat better. Thanks to Thai Ly, Jason Scheff, and Tony Horton for motivating me to do a workout beyond being active. Thanks to a desire of wanting to stay away from hospitals and OTC drugs and heal naturally. All of this has combined to inspire me to create this site.

Stay tuned!