Tag Archives: abs

Chest Back And Balance Oh My

Another week in phase two has begun. The quest for the flattening belly is nearing completion, but there is work to be done. For today it was chest back and balance oh my. Oh and I mustn’t forget abs too.

I felt better about today’s workout than I did after doing it a week ago. I did get more reps this time around. That’s a good thing. But I did find that my arms were starting to give out at points in the workout. A little concerning. I didn’t bonk.

It was the pull-ups especially wide arm ones where I had the most trouble. As the workout progressed I had to start modifying them. I know it’s because I’ve been pushing myself hard last week with the arm workouts. I’m likely still catching up to the efforts I’ve given them and they want rest.

The ab portion is starting to get a bit easier than it should. My solution is adding additional reps. Which I started today. Hopefully this will accelerate my goal. Not sure I’ll hit it by the end of the week, but I’m making the effort.

I’m off to have my breaky and a Shakeology. Let me know when you’re hitting up the phase two workout that makes you say chest back and balance oh my. If you’re not working out, it’s time to join me! Take a fitness challenge!

Pushing Shoulders Arms And Abs Hard

One thing that I’m sure no one likes doing is waking up sore. Especially when you didn’t sleep well. That’s my case for last night and this morning. Only six hours of sleep and woke up sore in the calves. Despite that, I began my day by pushing shoulders arms and abs hard. Better than I did it last time through phase two.

That’s were getting over the mental hump is key. You have to know when it’s just soreness and not injury. If it’s just soreness, it’s a matter of getting the movement going. Cause once it goes, it’s all good.

For me this time through I was able to increase weight and maintain reps. That’s a big step forward. The better thing was, I felt great after getting done. Super bonus is, I’m not feeling sore anymore after the workout. I may think different tomorrow, but I’ll enjoy it today.

Time to throw down a three egg shrimp and veggie omelet for breakfast, sided with a Shakeology. My treat for kicking a serious workout of pushing shoulders arms and abs hard. What are you doing for yourself as a workout today?

Chest Back & Balance And Abs In Phase Two Redux

Today I’m back in the workout saddle. I’m heading back to Chest Back & Balance and Abs in phase two redux. Why? Well, I’m still working on my ultimate goal.

What is my ultimate goal? A flat belly.

The lowest 1/3 of my 6-pack still has about a 1/2″ of remnant fat on it. Not that I was ever actually fat. But for some reason, that’s where it’s accumulated on my person. Since I started P90X a little over a year ago, my initial goal was to get into better shape. I’ve met that goal.

Now that I’m in great shape, my goal is more of a sculpting the body type of thing. The one area that is lacking happens to be the one area that is finally getting erased. Even with the much needed week off, it was still dwindling.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I noticed the biggest change in my midsection during phase two. Which is why I’ve decided to add in a few more weeks of it. That should get me the result I’m looking for.

The workout itself was good to get back in with. However, I noticed that my arms have lost a little something in a few areas. There were some moves where I got less reps. In others I got more reps. So it was a bit of a trade. What I did notice was my arms feeling super tired halfway through. I was pushing it. Hard.

Could be a need to start doing more arm workouts as well. I don’t know if it’s a tall thing, or if my arms are just weak overall. But I’m now setting a new goal of wanting to get a bit more arm strength.

Breakfast has been had. Shakeology has been drunk. It’s time to get on with my day. Join me tomorrow for the next workout recap. Better yet, join me in getting more fit for yourself! Isn’t it time you worked out your chest back & balance and abs in phase two redux? You know you wanna.

P90X2 Ends Again Or Does It

Another journey through a beachbody workout comes to an “official” close. That’s right I’m saying that my 2nd time through P90X2 ends again or does it? I decided that I would close out journey 2 today.

I closed out with a great PAP Upper workout where I got through it all and pushed it hard. Then I followed it up with an Ab Ripper X2 set. Still working on the tummy.

Here’s my stats ending this time around:

After Stats on 08/11/12:

Chest: 40”
R. Arm: 11 7/8”
L. Arm: 12”
Waist: 34”
Hips: 37”
R. Thigh: 21 5/8”
L. Thigh: 21 5/8”

Total Inches: 178.125
Weight: 179

I have increased a total of one inch to my body. I’ve added a few pounds but I’m still shy of the 182 that I’d like to be. My other goal of the flat belly is probably a week or two off. What this means is that after taking a break next week, I will fire up phase two of X2 again.


I found that I lost the most belly during phase two. Which is why I’m going to retreat to that phase for an additional week or two after a week off. Give myself some rest, then pound the workouts to achieve that final goal.

Enjoy yourself and if you’re looking to start getting into better shape join me in a fitness challenge starting in September! Until then, P90X2 ends again or does it really ever end? No. It’s a lifestyle change for the better. Time for some Shakeology and some Poker.

Look Back At PAP Upper And Look At Yoga X2

Yesterday I forgot to post the fact that I did my workout. Today I’ll be updating with a look back at PAP upper and look at yoga X2. Must mean I’m getting a little busy or something…

I didn’t fully complete PAP Upper yesterday. It wasn’t for a lack of being able to do the complexes. Instead it had more to do with a time constraint. I got 3/4 of the workout down. All of complex one and half of complex two. Still a good workout. I was keeping up with it this time as well. So I’m finally getting PAP Upper to be a workout that doesn’t kick my ass.

Today was Yoga X2. Still able to palm the floor and do some of the wrapping moves where before I could not. I’m pretty sure it means I’m becoming more flexible. One of the wrap moves involves my right shoulder. Before my first journey through the P90X2 workout by beachbody, I had issues from an injury. I always thought at some point I’d have it scoped to fix it. Not any more. I have a wider range of mobility than I thought possible and no pain. The joint has fixed itself thanks to the workout of P90X2. Thank you Tony Horton and Beachbody!

I’m still adding the X2 Ab Ripper workout in three days a week during this phase three. The goal is that I will hit a flat belly very soon. Might not be in the time frame I was hoping for, but it’s nearly completion.

Off to have a complete breakfast with a Shakeology. Then it’s music makin time. Make sure you’re on a journey. Even better if you’re able to look back at PAP Upper and look at yoga X2 and say they same thing I’m saying: Thanks for helping fix my body through workouts and exercise.

Giving PAP Lower The Smackdown

Hi there, I’m Jody Whitesides. As you can see, there’s something a little different today. I’ve decided that I’d start doing video to these posts. So that you could put a face to the words that you’re reading here. So let’s get on with it. Today, I started off week three of phase three by giving PAP Lower the smackdown.

I was a little worried in getting started this morning when walking around the house I was feeling a little ping of pain in my right heel. There’s the possibility that I’ve pushed myself a little hard and strained the tendon. However all of that dissipated, once the workout got going.

Last week with PAP Lower, I was at the point where I was keeping up to the DVD. Today marks a change in that not only was I keeping up, but I was actually getting ahead. And I was having the DVD catch up to me! Now if I could get to that going with PAP Upper I’d be a happy camper.

The one move that has been difficult in PAP Lower has the side bridge leg lift. Not. Any. More. Today, totally rocked it!

In addition, with my goal of getting my belly completely flat, I’m adding the Ab Ripper X2 workout 3 times in the phase three weeks. 3 times each week in phase three. Today was one of those days. So, much like the PAP Lower workout, the ab ripper workout is one where I’m pretty much keeping up. Now, I’m to the point, where not only am I keeping up, but the DVD is trying to catch up to me at this point. So that’s a great thing.

It’s time for some Shakeology. Make sure you get some. This stuff is really good and a hearty breakfast. Once I’ve got that going. I gotta get to my music and get on with my day. So, let’s get fit and physical. Have a good one!

Are you bringing it? Join me and get fit!

X2 Base Back And Abs Punched

I got my yoga X2 on yesterday. Didn’t post it, but it got done. This morning I woke up a little early, not sure why. Thus I’m getting my X2 Base Back and abs punched early. This is likely the hardest of workout of the 2nd phase of P90X2.

This is lots and lots of pull-ups interspersed with lots and lots of plyo moves. Work it, then push it, work it, then push it. Omph. Based on my numbers from the last journey through P90X2, I can say that I started off stronger, then ended up a little weaker.

Meaning, I did more pull-ups at the start. By the end I was doing slightly less. While I didn’t hit my PB in pull-ups, I do feel like I brought it as best I could. I did end up using heavier weights in the one move that has weights. Not only did I use more weight, I also did a couple more reps of that move – plyo lunge press.

The ab workout is getting easier, though a couple of the moves seem to be getting harder. I’m not sure how that works in my head. I know my abs and core are getting way stronger and that is the real concept here. The Phelon Twist is probably the one move that I’m still struggling a little with.

This concludes the first week of phase two. Overall I’ve seen improvements from the last time through. That is the goal. To Improve. While I got my X2 back back and abs punched today and I’m a little beat, I’m looking forward to next week. If you’re up for a challenge, contact me to get on the next fitness challenge group (space is limited). Time for Shakeology and breakfast.

Chest Back Balance And Abs Starts Phase Two

Hell yeah! That’s my feeling this morning. The week of doing recovery and mobility mixed with yoga has come to a close and the real workouts begin again. Chest Back Balance and Abs starts phase two for me today! 2nd phase, in my 2nd journey through P90X2. Slammin’.

Here’s my goals in this phase. One, I plan on doing the moves without assistance. I also wish to do as few moves as possible without modifications. There’s still a couple of moves I’ll have to accomplish via modifications due to a lack of equipment. Like the push-ups on 4 med balls. I haven’t yet brought myself to buy more med balls. I will soon though.

Doing the pull-ups without assistance today had me wondering what the fuck. Mostly because there are so many pull-ups. About half of today’s workout was pull-ups. Yikes. I started off strong. But by the end of the hour I was barely able to do more than 1 pull-up in some of the breakdowns.

With push-ups I did much better. However, there is one move where I was unable to do even one push-up. That was a push-up on a med ball with my feet on the stability ball. Holy hell. I didn’t do one. It was damn hard just to get my giant hands on the med ball then even attempt to get my feet onto the stability ball without falling over. I’m guessing that possibly I need to pump the stability ball with more air as it’s a little soft. I was finally able to get up on the balls as per the move. That is a huge step forward I suppose as that took a while to make that happen. It’s not easy. Thus next week my goal is to at least get up and do one push-up.

The other “bonus” is that I did the bonus round. Mind you I wasn’t able to kick serious ass. The very last move was a pull-up move and I did 1. But at least I did those moves.

Here’s my breakfast post beachbody workout:

Huevos Rancheros


I sided it with some Shakeology. Now I’m feeling ready to tackle my day. Chest back balance and abs starts phase two and puts me just over the 1/3 mark of completing my 2nd journey. I’m going to be starting another fitness challenge – so get on board and join me.

Total Body Ends With A Bang And A Bonk

I’m not fond of waking up tired. Such is the case this morning. I got a full 7+ hours of sleep. Yet someone I was still sluggish. Uncool. Despite that, I still pushed myself into today’s workout. What happened is that Total Body ends with a bang and a bonk. I’ll explain.

Feeling tired is not likely the best way to enter a workout. What is weird is that I started off doing better in my reps. Increasing reps is a good sign. Especially when you’re increasing your weight used too. Such is what was going on today. More reps. Hell, I got a new personal best on pull-ups too. Mind you, pull-ups are not my strength. Yet this makes two weeks in a row with new personal bests in pull-ups.

By the last 1/4 of the workout I was beginning to bonk. My tiredness was catching up to me. I had to pause in-between moves to catch my breath. Digging down deep to find what energy I could to continue on and do the moves. Being careful not to kill the form and hurt myself.

At the end of the final move I collapsed. So tired. Done. Collect the $200, but don’t pass Go. Lying on the floor in a heap of a sweaty mess. Tired to the core in complete exhaustion. Exhausted to the point where I couldn’t do the cool down moves and certainly unable to push on for the ab workout. Unfortunate.

Strange to have such a personal best of a P90X2 workout in a haze of tired. Odd that I increased reps. Easy to believe that I essentially bonked before the end. I must be mental to have pushed myself like that. Which is why Total Body ends with a band and a bonk. How is your journey to fitness going? Getting stronger? Wanna get into better shape with a fitness challenge? Join me! Time for a Shakeology.

Total Body Increased And Abs Are Rippered

I wanted to get into the foam rolling yesterday but factors beyond my control ended up making it a day of rest instead. Today on the other hand my Total Body increased and Abs are Rippered. Pushing, pushing, pushing.

I started out increasing weight in several of the moves. In an effort to keep the workout moving I ended up increasing weight in a couple of moves that I should have reduced. Instead I did a few less reps.

In the second round of the workout I ended up dropping the weight as I was running out of a little steam and getting a bit knackered. Despite that I got another personal best in pullups in the first round. I beat last week by one extra pullup. Whew.

I had to pull back on the tail end of the workout as I was running low on a energy, but I still kept the pace from last week. So if I can match the beginning of this week and hold it until the end of next week I can really feel like I’m pushing through.

For some reason this week ab ripper really snuck up on me. I still managed to get through it, but by the end I was diggin deep to complete it. I guess that’s not a bad thing. Maybe I haven’t been pushing hard enough in the past. Leaving me with low gas in the tank it’s time to go make a Shakeology and hearty breakfast. For today my Total Body increased and Abs are Rippered.

Get ready for the next fitness challenge! Join me in bettering your health.