Tag Archives: ab ripper x2

P90X2 Ends Again Or Does It

Another journey through a beachbody workout comes to an “official” close. That’s right I’m saying that my 2nd time through P90X2 ends again or does it? I decided that I would close out journey 2 today.

I closed out with a great PAP Upper workout where I got through it all and pushed it hard. Then I followed it up with an Ab Ripper X2 set. Still working on the tummy.

Here’s my stats ending this time around:

After Stats on 08/11/12:

Chest: 40”
R. Arm: 11 7/8”
L. Arm: 12”
Waist: 34”
Hips: 37”
R. Thigh: 21 5/8”
L. Thigh: 21 5/8”

Total Inches: 178.125
Weight: 179

I have increased a total of one inch to my body. I’ve added a few pounds but I’m still shy of the 182 that I’d like to be. My other goal of the flat belly is probably a week or two off. What this means is that after taking a break next week, I will fire up phase two of X2 again.


I found that I lost the most belly during phase two. Which is why I’m going to retreat to that phase for an additional week or two after a week off. Give myself some rest, then pound the workouts to achieve that final goal.

Enjoy yourself and if you’re looking to start getting into better shape join me in a fitness challenge starting in September! Until then, P90X2 ends again or does it really ever end? No. It’s a lifestyle change for the better. Time for some Shakeology and some Poker.

Giving PAP Lower The Smackdown

Hi there, I’m Jody Whitesides. As you can see, there’s something a little different today. I’ve decided that I’d start doing video to these posts. So that you could put a face to the words that you’re reading here. So let’s get on with it. Today, I started off week three of phase three by giving PAP Lower the smackdown.

I was a little worried in getting started this morning when walking around the house I was feeling a little ping of pain in my right heel. There’s the possibility that I’ve pushed myself a little hard and strained the tendon. However all of that dissipated, once the workout got going.

Last week with PAP Lower, I was at the point where I was keeping up to the DVD. Today marks a change in that not only was I keeping up, but I was actually getting ahead. And I was having the DVD catch up to me! Now if I could get to that going with PAP Upper I’d be a happy camper.

The one move that has been difficult in PAP Lower has the side bridge leg lift. Not. Any. More. Today, totally rocked it!

In addition, with my goal of getting my belly completely flat, I’m adding the Ab Ripper X2 workout 3 times in the phase three weeks. 3 times each week in phase three. Today was one of those days. So, much like the PAP Lower workout, the ab ripper workout is one where I’m pretty much keeping up. Now, I’m to the point, where not only am I keeping up, but the DVD is trying to catch up to me at this point. So that’s a great thing.

It’s time for some Shakeology. Make sure you get some. This stuff is really good and a hearty breakfast. Once I’ve got that going. I gotta get to my music and get on with my day. So, let’s get fit and physical. Have a good one!

Are you bringing it? Join me and get fit!

Stretching Out With Yoga X2

I got my schedule a little off this week. In that Yoga actually is supposed to happen on Wednesday. However I ended up missing that. Thus I’m stretching out with yoga X2 today.

One of my early goals with Yoga this time around was to be able to palm the floor in a forward bend. If you’ve been following the blog, you’ll know that the goal was reached. Today was no exception. I’m still able to palm the floor and that’s a great feeling.

Another move that has gotten better is one that I don’t know a name of. But it’s where you loop one arm under a leg while in a lunge and reach around to grab the wrist of the other arm that is wrapping around the back. Up until about phase 1 of this journey I was only ever able to touch my fingers. Getting to the point of being able to grab the wrist was never a thought.

The cool thing is… I can now grab my wrist in this move. I have to attribute this ability to the X2 program. It has strengthened my right shoulder and increased it’s range of mobility. No surgery, no specific physical therapy. I always thought at some point, due to an old injury, that I’d have to have it scoped to fix it. Appears that I have thought wrong. That makes me very happy.

I know that next week, when I get the right sequence to the workout, I’ll be doing an extra set of Ab Ripper X2 after the yoga workout. Still a little more to go on the little bit of puff on my lowest part of my 6-pack.

It’s time to have an awesome breakfast with a Shakeology. Then I’ll look at some more music and possibly get another round of golf in today as well. Have a great day!

More PAP Lower And Upper

I got such a late start to my day yesterday that I didn’t get my post in about my workout yesterday. Combining both days again means more PAP lower and upper in today’s little writeup.

My PAP Lower workout yesterday, for all intensive purposes, rocked. I kicked it in the proverbial ass. I was able to keep up with the kids on the DVD and even get through things faster and harder without pauses. Booyah.

The PAP Upper workout today is a slightly different story. I started strong. However by midway through the first complex I was having difficulty working on keeping up. I had to start pausing the DVD to catch my breath. The bright spot is I only needed to stop the DVD 4 times, twice in complex 1 and twice in complex 2. The other bonus is that I did manage to get more reps in for things like the pull ups and the renegade rows.

I’m still not sure why I find the upper body stuff so much harder. It’s not like I’m not in shape.

Time for me to get on with finishing some musicmixes. A hearty breakfast, a little Shakeology and some time later today on the links swinging sticks. What’s your plan of attack today?

PAP Lower And Ab Ripper Kick Off Phase Three

That was a pleasant week off. Sadly I woke up late today. That didn’t stop me from putting my mind back on P90X2. I moved ahead with PAP Lower and Ab Ripper kick off phase three style. I forgot how it went the first time through 3 months ago.

I got into the flow of it though. Did what I could to keep up and for the most part I did. There were a couple of moments in the 2nd complex where I had to hit the pause button between moves. Mostly to catch breath. Otherwise the sweat flow was as expected and I pushed it hard.

This time around in phase three I plan on adding the ab ripper x2 workout. Mostly because I notice the big change in my belly in phase two. Mind you, I never had a big belly. But there’s just a little layer of goo left on my lower 1/3 of my “6 pack” abs. It’s darn near gone and I’ll be damned if it’s doesn’t go away in the next 3 weeks of this journey. I want it to go bye bye bye. So close. So close.

At this point it’s time for a kick ass breakfast and a Shakeology. Then time for the music work to continue. In the meantime, I’m putting it out to you – the Fitness Challenge. If you want to try it out at a discount right now you can – Click Here. Until then, lets get into better shape and I’ll forward to when you’re telling me that PAP Lower and ab ripper kick off phase three for you!

Extra Week In Phase Two Of P90X2

Doing something I haven’t done before in any of my journeys through a beachbody workout. Usually I’m of the mindset, don’t worry, move on. This time though, I’m adding an extra week in phase two of P90X2.

Two weeks ago I had a half of a week. My body was telling me “Joe, take it easy on me.” Not sure why, but I listened. Oddly though, each time I did do a workout where I was drained or not fully into it, I started hitting personal bests.

Regardless, I decided I’d add an additional week this time around. Today was a little rough with chest back and balance. I didn’t overly push it but I did hit a personal best in one thing. The Impossible/Possible move. I finally got a single rep on it. Previously in the past 3 weeks I had gotten up on the balls but constantly fell. Only to get down in the movement and unable to get back up. Today I did fall again, but then I went down in the move and mustered getting back up once. It wasn’t overly pretty, but I did it finally!

I also got another personal best in plyo stability ball push ups. Those aren’t quite as hard as the Impossible/Possibles. Nonetheless I got a PB there too.

I think the real trick in phase two is the amount of core being work. P90X2 overall works the core more, but the 2nd phase to me is really pushing it. Maybe that’s where the belly fat is coming off at. I don’t have a lot of it. Never did. But now it’s almost gone. There’s a tiny bit left. One extra workout week won’t kill me and may be that push I need to get rid of the soft.

The abs routine, ab ripper X2 is also more prominent in phase two. Going 3 of the days of the week. Which may also explain the decrease of belly size. That is the last goal and it’s sooooooooo close to being gone. Who knows… If I move to phase three and finish without it being totally gone, I may insert another week of phase two before I say I’ve completed journey two.

My P90X2 official T-shirt is in my mailbox. That’s a cool sense of accomplishment. Maybe I’ll snap a pic of me wearing it when I complete this 2nd journey. That could be cool. Anyway, I’m off to eat a hearty breakfast plus a shakeology and get on with my day. I’m mentally prepping myself to continue enjoying this extra week in phase two of P90X2.

Chest Back Balance And Abs Oh Yeah

You know, I dislike waking up in the morning feeling like I’ve slept but I’m still exhausted. I attribute that to sleeping in the heat. There should be AC, but there isn’t. Bummer. I sat wondering, is it smart for me to get into a workout? Mostly because I took the 2nd half of last week off with my body saying – time for a rest. I had to really push myself this morning. I got through chest back balance and abs oh yeah!

Once I got into the workout it started to flow. Despite feeling like I didn’t want to do a workout, my body was actually experiencing some PB’s in several of the moves. I still can’t explain that. I’m really not feeling like I should be able to do that. When I’m mentally tired and my body is saying it’s tired and yet I’m getting more reps in multiple moves – weird.

I even got through the bonus with one extra rep in one move. The rest were a tie. By the end of the workout I was sweating and feeling like I needed a rest. There is no rest for the wicked as after the cool down stretch it was Abs time.

The abs went well today too. Motoring through and getting every rep. Even through the haze in my head saying, dude you’re tired. I didn’t just manage, I got it without issues. Even the Phelon twist which is normally tiring, I got all the reps without trouble. I can’t explain that.

Either way I pounded through chest back balance and abs oh yeah! Time for a hearty breakfast along with a Shakeology to boot. Then it’s time to get on with the musical day.