Ah Recovery

Those smart people at Beachbody. Now I’m beginning to understand the idea of the two days hard, one day recover, three days on, one day recover. That’s right. I’m still feeling the effects of the start of Phase two with Chest Back and Balance plus the Ab ripper. Ooofph. Today I can say: Ah Recovery and Mobility.

Doesn’t mean that I’m not looking forward to the next set of workouts. However, I’m likely to be modifying them a lot due to a trip. Hopefully I can get in some workouts, it remains to be seen.

Thus if you don’t see posts, you’ll know why.

Always Look At The Plyocide Of Life

Day two of the second phase of the X2 journey. It’s more of the plyometric style of workout. I got much further through it as I was going this time. Keeping up with the peeps like Roberto, Traci, and Tony. Still having to pause once in a while, but I’m nearly on par with them now. Kinda makes me think it’s good to always look at the plyocide of life.

The fact that I’m pushing a little harder makes me feel good about it. But it was a little slow getting started today. Mostly due to the upper body workout from yesterday. Whew. I’m feeling Chest Back and Balance today. My oh my.

Onward and forward. I need to get my breakfast gig on. I think I’m going to be making some egg cups this morning. Power breakfast. Then it’s on to the ski hill for some X2 Skiing. Two workouts in a day.

Come on and join the journey! Then you’ll always look at the plyocide of life and get a kick out of it.

X2 Phase Two Chest Back Balance Plus Ab Ripper

Let me start by writing: Holy Cow!

That’s what was running through my head during this workout. I have a very distinct feeling that tomorrow I am really going to be feeling the X2 phase two chest back balance plus ab ripper workout in a very big way.

Today marks the start of the next phase of the journey in P90X2. I’ve been looking forward to it. My oh my. I thought getting started in P90X was hard early last year. Even phase one wasn’t all that big of a deal. Now the burners are turning on and I’m feeling like a noobie all over again.

There are several moves that are like – what the fuck?!? – Especially the L pullups, and the crunch curl pull up (I think that was the name). Wow. Talk about super hard. I’m not good at pullups as it is and unlike P90X, I’m attempting to do as many as I can with zero assist. This means my reps have gone way down.

There’s another move, an pushup type of move with your feet elevated and you’re on a med ball with your hands. I did 1. Yes, that’s 1. I can do decline diamond pushups, but wow, this one was harder.

I am noticing more changes in my body in less time that it took with P90X. Thus I will say P90X2 is way more awesome. Do I think I will see even bigger changes in Phase Two? Uh, yeah. That would be an understatement.

I did take my 30 day pics today. I can’t wait to see the changes as they occur over the 90 days.

For those readers who are on the fence about getting into P90X, or who have done P90X and are looking to get into P90X2 – what are you waiting for? Get with it and then you can explain to someone why you have done the X2 phase two chest back balance plus ab ripper workout and felt good about it, despite starting with low numbers.

Tomorrow marks the next step. I can’t wait. Hopefully my body will be ready.

Recovery Week Ends Phase One Of P90X2

You know, I never thought I would see changes in my body so quickly. I’ve done P90X twice last year and while I saw a transformation it’s not a drastic as the one I’ve seen in the last 30 days. That’s nothing short of extraordinary. I’m happy that this recovery week ends phase one of P90X2.

Tomorrow begins the 2nd leg of the journey. Phase two. In looking at the first part, it appears to be similar to P90X. I’m sure the subtle difference is going to produce miles of results.

Lets see what happens.

Are you on the journey? Where are you at? What are your experiences?

X2 Yoga Ending Week Four

Today marks the last time through Yoga X2 for the recovery week of Phase one. I’m really beginning to see body changes in this first third of P90X2. That’s truly remarkable. I’m happy to see these changes occur. Have to put a thank you out to Tony, Carl and all the Beachbody peeps that brought this program to life. In a way it’s sad to see X2 yoga ending week four, but I’m really looking forward to phase two.

Stay tuned. The Journey continues.

X2 Yoga Bear

Ah. Day two of the recovery week. I’m feeling like a yogi. Or maybe an X2 yoga bear. It’s all good. Though I’m wondering if I ought to cut the week short and jump into phase two.

Maybe I’m just antsy to move into working out. Not that yoga isn’t a bit of work. It is. But a week of it might be a bit much of it for me. Jury is still out on that.

Meantime I need to think about replenishing my shakeology reserves. Love that stuff.

Recovery Week Begins

The in-between week has begun. In other words, recovery week begins.

Today was another day of Recover + Mobility. The great thing about this portion of the program is how it releases the tension you don’t actively see. I got into a couple of positions that I finally let out an “oh”.

Tony Horton speaks about those moments. For most of my body, I don’t have a lot of knots. I’m pretty stress free. But on my left inner thigh today… Wow. I got one. Good thing for the foam roller. I believe I got it out.

The rest of the week is a switch of days between the foam rolling and stretching and Yoga. So it’s not entirely without a workout.

I’m looking forward to phase two even as recovery week begins.

Phase One Ends With Recovery And Mobility

Today is the end of week 3. That’s right I’ve now been on this journey for a full three weeks (plus a couple of days for skiing, but who’s counting right?) Anyway, I’m happy that phase one ends with recovery and mobility. It’s a great thing to stretch, roll out and give the body a little bit of a break.

I’m looking forward to the “week off” or rather what I’d call the transition week before I hit phase two of the P90X2 tour.

How’s your workout life coming? Are you hitting goals? Do tell.