Tag Archives: rippin shoulders arms and abs

Rippin Shoulders Arms And Abs

Midway through my 4th week of phase two in P90X2. As mentioned earlier, I decided to add an additional week to my 2nd phase in order to really work my abs. While I’m finishing up the rest of the week, I’m already thinking about adding extra ab ripper rounds to my 3rd phase. Today I was rippin shoulders arms and abs in grand fashion.

Extra weight and some additional reps added. Meaning that I got some more P90X2 PBs (personal bests). That’s an awesome feeling. I attribute it to the slightly cooler temperature this morning and the rain. I find it much easier to workout when the temperature is cooler.

It’s a great feeling to feel stronger when you’re lifting more weight and doing more reps without burning out and collapsing. It’s been a while since I’ve had a major bonk and I’m happy about that.

The ab ripper X2 workout is really great, but I’m already noticing that the moves are becoming easy. Not sure how I can make them harder. But I like doing it and it’s definitely helping my core and I’m very close to my goal of the no fat belly. I probably have about 1/8″ to go.

Tomorrow is Yoga X2. Again, another workout that is getting better for me. Now that I’ve been rippin shoulders arms and abs, it’s time for a shakeology and a great breakfast. I’ll be working on the soundtrack to a horror film trailer today. Boo!