Closing in on week four of phase three. Midway through the week and it’s another workout by beachbody. One question I’m asked is: Does PAP Lower work? The simple answer: Yes.
Lots of people have heard of P90X. Not as many are familiar with P90X2, so when I get asked, what’s the difference? My first instinct is to mention the focus around the core. Some of the workouts are harder than P90X. Some are not. The one thing I know is that I’m using less weight and a lot more balance.
In a way, I’d likely PAP Lower to be similar to Plyo style. Though I find Plyocide to be much harder. Where PAP Lower excels is in core. The exercises and moves are much more core oriented.
I also find that I sweat way more during PAP workouts than I do Plyo workouts. Not sure why considering my earlier statement.
One thing others have noticed is that I appear taller. I’ve been called freakishly strong. I’ve had comments about my core and how stable I appear. All things that have not been said until after doing the beachbody workouts. Reality is – this stuff works! It’s not overnight success. It’s a lifestyle change that takes time. But some of those changes appear within weeks of starting.
While I’m now starting to add extra reps into PAP Lower in order to keep pushing myself, I can say that the answer to Does PAP Lower work, is yes. With that, I’m off to have a full on breakfast with a shakeology. <– get you some of that, it’s great stuff. Keep up with the workouts and share your results with me.