Tag Archives: flat belly

Phasing Back Up With P90X2

I had to take some time off for the past few weeks. I’m now phasing back up with P90X2. While I thought I’d hit my ultimate goal with my belly, there were a couple of issues cropping up.

Issue one. I started to burn out a little bit.

Issue two. I got ill with a damn summer cold that turned into a sinus infection. Ick.

Issue three. I ran in the 10k Dirty Dash race. I was running in the mountains, over obstacles and through mud pits. Along the way, I destroyed a pair of shoes and some how managed to injure my knee. Which meant – I needed to let my knee recover.

Happiness is – I’m back at it. Sadness is, I figured I’d still be right where I left off. However, after a super strong start where I did more reps, I petered off and ended up getting less reps in moves towards the end. My arms really need to be kept up on to retain strength.

The Abs have retained their strength as the ab ripper portion of the workout was A Ok. Makes me think I need to step up the Ab portion and do more reps in each more or something. Cause in my phasing back up with P90X2, I still intend on reaching that flat belly. I’m still very close to my goal!

P90X2 Ends Again Or Does It

Another journey through a beachbody workout comes to an “official” close. That’s right I’m saying that my 2nd time through P90X2 ends again or does it? I decided that I would close out journey 2 today.

I closed out with a great PAP Upper workout where I got through it all and pushed it hard. Then I followed it up with an Ab Ripper X2 set. Still working on the tummy.

Here’s my stats ending this time around:

After Stats on 08/11/12:

Chest: 40”
R. Arm: 11 7/8”
L. Arm: 12”
Waist: 34”
Hips: 37”
R. Thigh: 21 5/8”
L. Thigh: 21 5/8”

Total Inches: 178.125
Weight: 179

I have increased a total of one inch to my body. I’ve added a few pounds but I’m still shy of the 182 that I’d like to be. My other goal of the flat belly is probably a week or two off. What this means is that after taking a break next week, I will fire up phase two of X2 again.


I found that I lost the most belly during phase two. Which is why I’m going to retreat to that phase for an additional week or two after a week off. Give myself some rest, then pound the workouts to achieve that final goal.

Enjoy yourself and if you’re looking to start getting into better shape join me in a fitness challenge starting in September! Until then, P90X2 ends again or does it really ever end? No. It’s a lifestyle change for the better. Time for some Shakeology and some Poker.

Look Back At PAP Upper And Look At Yoga X2

Yesterday I forgot to post the fact that I did my workout. Today I’ll be updating with a look back at PAP upper and look at yoga X2. Must mean I’m getting a little busy or something…

I didn’t fully complete PAP Upper yesterday. It wasn’t for a lack of being able to do the complexes. Instead it had more to do with a time constraint. I got 3/4 of the workout down. All of complex one and half of complex two. Still a good workout. I was keeping up with it this time as well. So I’m finally getting PAP Upper to be a workout that doesn’t kick my ass.

Today was Yoga X2. Still able to palm the floor and do some of the wrapping moves where before I could not. I’m pretty sure it means I’m becoming more flexible. One of the wrap moves involves my right shoulder. Before my first journey through the P90X2 workout by beachbody, I had issues from an injury. I always thought at some point I’d have it scoped to fix it. Not any more. I have a wider range of mobility than I thought possible and no pain. The joint has fixed itself thanks to the workout of P90X2. Thank you Tony Horton and Beachbody!

I’m still adding the X2 Ab Ripper workout in three days a week during this phase three. The goal is that I will hit a flat belly very soon. Might not be in the time frame I was hoping for, but it’s nearly completion.

Off to have a complete breakfast with a Shakeology. Then it’s music makin time. Make sure you’re on a journey. Even better if you’re able to look back at PAP Upper and look at yoga X2 and say they same thing I’m saying: Thanks for helping fix my body through workouts and exercise.