Tag Archives: developers

GDC Yoga

Waking up this morning was not as exciting as I like it to be. I’m in a different town and for some reason the amount of traveling I’m doing is catching up. I was a little sluggish this morning. I pushed myself to do what I call GDC yoga. I say that because I’m attending the GDC and I need a pick me up to get me moving today.

Fortunately yoga doesn’t require much in the way of things. Which is why it was good to get to today. Got my blood moving. I noticed there were some movements where I had better extension. That’s a good thing. Additionally I had a moment in Crane where I had the move right where it should be. A personal best for me with the length of Crane I held in balance. I’m finally starting to get it right and that’s satisfying.

Time for breakfast and a whole lot of walking, greeting and talking. It’s Geek Game Time. Plus networking with developers to push for music work.