There are a multitude of books and articles on what successful people have or do. I’m not here to be another book. I do know that there is a mindset and set of actions that I’ve noticed between myself, friends and colleagues.
- Mental: The first thing that people discover about changing their habits is the mental aspect of sticking with it. Getting into better shape, cooking, or taking care of your own body is a daily practice of knowing you can do it and it all starts with thinking you can. When you don’t feel like you doing a workout – you will have to push yourself to do it. When you feel like you can’t cook or don’t have time – you will have to make that time and enjoy what you cook. When you feel like it’s a drain to listen to your body – you will have to dig deep to understand what it’s going through. If I can do it, you can do it!
- Action: Nothing ever gets done in the Universe without action. It’s what makes things happen. You can say to friends: I’m going to get in shape. But unless you actually work out (P90X). It won’t happen. You can say to friends: I’m going to eat better. But unless you actually stop going to McDonalds, Wendy’s, In ‘n’ Out, White Castle, or (insert favorite fast food joint here), it won’t happen. You can say to friends: I’m going to be healthier. But unless you take the time to learn and do what is needed – it won’t happen. Thinking of doing things is a good idea, it takes the first step after the idea to create the action. Put it into play.
- Commitment: Committing to a healthy diet and an extreme workout program that goes every single day is very tough to do. But if you truly want to achieve outstanding results, make changes your life and be healthier, then you must commit yourself 100%. With my first round of P90X, I did not cheat on my diet, I didn’t skip a workout, and that’s the reason I felt like I did when I completed it. The same holds true for making a great meal, or knowing that my body is operating at full capacity.
- Support: Without support it’s difficult to achieve the success. The success I’ve had with music, health and fitness has been with support fro my parents, friends and family 100% of the way. They believe in me, I believe in me. They trust that I’m doing the right thing. You NEED support from your family and friends. Otherwise your journey is going to be a much tougher than it should be.
- Accountability: Being held accountable is vital to your success! If you don’t have someone there to make sure you’re keeping on track, your chances of reaching your goals drop drastically, unless you’re a highly self-motivated individual. My coach and friends played a huge role in helping me succeed with my goals. They were always there to answer any of my questions and keep me accountable. Furthermore to be there to support me. Now that I’m a coach, I’m helping others do the same. (Click here to make me your coach).
- Faith: Let’s face it, life has been very tough for lot of us around 2007. I was making a transition with my work, relationships were failing, and eventually my health was starting to wane. I started to realize that things weren’t going well and I needed to make a change. I was doing things that were against the grain and even made some choices that went against my better judgement. Some people need to turn to God, I prefer to have faith in myself – that’s a choice for the individual. Instead of fighting against things, I went back to going with the flow. I relaxed and did what I felt I should do. I dug into P90X and redoubled my efforts with eating better. Now I have several ways that I can have a beneficial impact on other people’s lives.